Brendan Dunphy officially built the confidence to start his first organic garden back in early 2020 after completing an organic gardening course through Burnaby Community & Continuing Education in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Being the keen and passionate researcher that he is, Brendan accomplished the very rare achievement of growing over 150 varieties of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers from seed to harvest in his first two growing seasons. In the spring of 2022, he created Bren’s Green Thumb and put on his first workshop focusing on organic gardening basics in Playa del Carmen, Mexico - Bren's Green Thumb: A Beginner’s Gardener Workshop.
Brendan’s goal is to share the knowledge he has gained with others so that they too can build the confidence needed to start, maintain and complete an organic gardening season. As someone who lacked the confidence to get started for many years, he wants to instill a type of confidence in others backed by theoretical and hands-on knowledge. His wish is to help prepare the eager beginner for the utmost success in growing an organic garden from start to finish.
Brendan is part of the Soil Food Web School of Regenerative Agriculture community. In the spring of 2022, he completed the Foundation Courses with Distinction: Introduction to the Soil Food Web, Making Biological Compost, Making Biological Extracts and Teas, and Microscopy. He has just begun his practicum on land regeneration this spring which includes the Certified Lab-Tech and Grower Training Programs. Brendan has also taken courses in Clinical Herbal Therapy and Permaculture Design.
Brendan’s mission is to cultivate a community that builds and shares the knowledge and skills to pursue a life of self-sufficiency. We live in a world where specific corporations are locking down control on our food supply and systematically tainting it with chemicals, manipulating its genetic structure and destroying the Earth’s soil and ecosystem with harmful conventional agricultural practices. For this reason, it is imperative that we get back to basics and re-learn how to grow food like our ancestors did. This will ensure that we acquire and maintain true food security and are able to pass this knowledge down to generations to come. 
It is time to re-realize the power we have in our hands and relinquish our reliance on corporations that do not have our best interests at heart. The truth is that the Earth provides everything we need in abundance – all we have to do is learn to live in alignment with nature.